To say that Burger is territorial is an understatement.

He is the neighborhood proximity alert — like the ubiquitous car alarms that we’ve all learned to tune out like so much white noise.

If Burger were a political candidate, he’d the be the one promising to build a wall.

He’s not a vicious dog by nature, and he’s best buds with our Juno. But when he sees arch nemesis, Keegan coming down the street he goes to Doggy DEFCON 5 and the K-9 klaxon horn begins to sound with greater-than-usual intensity.

Burger belongs to neighbors Sari and Mike — two of the nicest, most non-confrontational people you’ll ever meet. What did they do to deserve such a vociferous, defensive little beast? Who knows.

All I know is that I’ve gone far too long without featuring Burger on this blog. So, when I came home from the grocery store and saw him perched on my patio coffee table in the afternoon sunshine, I seized the opportunity to catch the mad dog at rest.

More photos on Flickr.