I’ve been perusing Craigslist, the Goodwill store, garage sales. and other venues for some time, looking for just the right chair. I found it in Sun Prairie. This newly reupholstered Queen Anne jumped off the screen when I saw it on the Facebook marketplace. The bright blue fabric and white trim, together with the fan-back styling, make for a distinctive piece.
Equally important is the chair’s compact dimensions and portability. You see, I intend to haul this chair all over creation, photographing people in
Where would you sit for your portrait?
I’m looking for ideas and volunteers. Please use the comment field below to share your suggestions about locations, settings, subjects, lighting, and other aspects. Perhaps you, or someone you know, could provide access to a location that might otherwise be off-limits.
What’s the point? Honestly, I’m not really sure. I’ve got a camera, a blue chair, and a fertile imagination. Now I need faces and places.
Dave! How fun, I would love to participate! As for location, I am undecided but thinking a construction site of one of my current projects might be fun.
Cool! Drop me a line with the details. Thanks!
Hey Brother-in-Law, neat idea. Let’s take it out to the farm. Set it atop a sandstone bluff, maybe while deer hunting?
Excellent. Or have you sitting out on a frozen lake in February wearing a Hawaiian shirt and shorts.
Call the series “Support System” ? How about at a Clay studio- subject covered in clay on pristine chair- working on a sculpture or at the wheel…
Badger game or tailgate. Bo in red kilt and beret or me in red and white tie-dyed bib overalls…
You’re on! Name the date and time.