In my ongoing search for distinctive portrait subjects, I learned that a coworker’s daughters had potentially photogenic hobbies. Kierstin, age 13, took up Irish dancing 4 years ago seeing it at a summer camp. Her sister, Carleigh, now 10 years old, has been practicing karate for about 2 years.
We set up the lights on their back lawn one afternoon at about 5 PM. Using the invisible backdrop technique, I tried my best to avoid the bright setting sun peeking over the neighbors’ house. Kierstin volunteered to go first, demonstrating her best “birdie” leap (a.k.a., stork, bird, pony). In spite of the soft, uneven grass, bright lights, and the possibility of kicking over those lights, Kirsten exhibited very good form over the course of several attempts. And she managed a nice smile to boot.
Next, it was Carleigh’s turn. Knowing she had played a soccer game earlier that afternoon, I couldn’t help but wonder if she would have the energy to demonstrate her karate moves. Like her big sister, she had to contend with questionable footing, flashing lights, curious neighbors, and a photographer who lives by trial and error (strong emphasis on error).
This marks the second time I’ve featured these sisters on this blog. They represent the 26th and 27th installments in my True Colors in Black-and-White project–A series of black-and-white portraits that highlight each subject’s profession, personality, or avocation.