Earning a college degree requires ample amounts of aspiration and perspiration. If you attend our annual awards reception for adult students, you will see how these two ingredients create a chemical reaction, the byproduct of which is inspiration.
With so many worthy honorees, it’s hard to isolate one story that illustrates this phenomenon. So I chose one photo.
Rebecca was selected to receive a Bernard Osher Reentry Scholarship, which recognizes “the commitment, efforts, and financial hardships of reentry working adults as they balance their family, work, and school responsibilities in order to achieve their educational goals.”
Like other recipients, Rebecca offered heartfelt acceptance remarks, hinting at challenges she has faced, in life and in school. She spoke about using her UW-Madison occupational therapy degree to help people recover from trauma, and recover their lives. It was one of many moments this evening when those of us in the audience couldn’t help but feel emotionally connected to the speakers and all that they have experienced. (See Verklempt)
Like others, Rebecca was accompanied by family. She spoke about setting an example for the next generation — inspiring them to achieve all they can through education. If her son’s reaction is any indication, I think Rebecca’s off to a good start.