The Ideal Fancy Rat: The general appearance should be pleasing to the eye, with good outline and inquisitive attention. The body should be long and somewhat racy in appearance, and show strong bone. The loin should be well arched. — American Fancy Rat and Mouse Association
Kenny has never entered a competitive rat show, so there’s no telling whether he meets the AFRMA standard. Whether he’s pleasing to the eye likely depends on one’s disposition toward rodents in general. He certainly is an inquisitive fellow, especially if you’re holding a peanut. His body is long, but I’ll leave it to you to decide if he looks racy. God only knows of his loin is well arched.
Kenny is a surprisingly good companion, and he certainly leads a good life. Last summer, Amanda saved up all her money from dog walking and pet sitting to buy Kenny the Taj Mahal of rat cages — a 3-level rat condominium with hammock, ramps, toys, and lots of fresh newspaper to shred all night long while we are trying to sleep.
Ask Amanda what she wants to be when she grows up and she’ll tell you, “A wildlife rehabilitator.” Kenny may not be wild, but he is living proof of Amanda’s undying devotion to all creatures big and small, including those with long, creepy hairless tails.