Hello, David Giroux. Your Amazon.com order of “Emotional Support Nylon Dog Vest Harness” has shipped!

Just imagine my surprise reading that email at work one day on my smart phone. I had at least two good reasons to be mystified by this news:

  1. I had not placed such an order with Amazon.com
  2. I did not own an emotional support dog, nor did I need one

I soon discovered that my daughter Amanda, lover of all four-legged creatures big and small, had taken it upon herself to transform our puppy, Juno, into her very own emotional support canine. Setting aside her unauthorized use of my Amazon account, I was impressed by her exhaustive research into the matter. She authoritatively described the requirements for such an animal, explaining that service dogs need extensive training and licensure, but emotional support animals require only a spiffy uniform.

It’s not that Juno is without skill. Her commitment to clean dishes has no doubt saved me hundreds of dollars in appliance repair costs.

Now, some people will argue that I am the one who desperately needs an emotional support animal. That may be, but for now, I’ll settle for a new Amazon password.