Cluck, located in the village of Paoli, is “a place where chicken-keepers can learn about chickens, meet up with other chicken people, share stories and advice, and find products and ideas that will make chicken-keeping more fun and interesting.” Proprietors Susan and Howard carry all the finest chicken feeds and scratch grains, as well as custom-made coops.

As you’ll see in the photos, they also cater to the yardbird crowd with an extensive line of poultry-themed art, tchotchkes, and swag.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking Cluck’s not for you if you don’t have a backyard brood. You could call the front of the store a hybrid chicken-themed gift shop and art gallery, though the offerings are more unexpected than you might, well, expect. Paintings by Marcia Sparks, Cynthia Quinn and Anne Stack Connor are currently featured, among poultry-themed aprons, mugs, cards, baby onesies and jewelry.  – Isthmus

So, if you know someone who deserves a pullet surprise, make your way to Paoli.